New Study Reveals AI’s Carbon Footprint is Much Lower Than Humans’

New Study Reveals AI’s Carbon Footprint is Much Lower Than Humans’

A new study published in Social Science Research Network found that AI systems have a much lower carbon footprint than humans for tasks such as writing and creating illustrations.

The researchers compared the emissions generated by AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E to the emissions generated by an average human completing the same tasks. They found that the AI systems emitted 130 to 1500 times less CO2 per page of text and 310 to 2900 times less per image. Researchers calculated the carbon footprint of the AI systems by looking at the emissions from training the models and from generating each individual response. Even when factoring in energy used for model training, the AI systems were far more efficient than humans. The emissions generated by a laptop or desktop computer used by a human were also greater than the AI systems. The researchers note that AI could play an important role in reducing emissions for certain activities. However, they stress that AI does not substitute for all human tasks and that factors like job displacement must be considered. They suggest collaboration between AI and humans as the best approach in many fields.

While AI emissions may grow as the technology advances, this study highlights an important benefit of AI systems as they stand today. It adds a new perspective to concerns about the carbon footprint of AI by comparing it directly to human activities. Even with current technology, AI enables the completion of common tasks at much lower emissions than humans can achieve.

Lingua Custodia’s Generative AI Document Analyser

Lingua Custodia’s Document Analyser tool for rapid data extraction!

Our new data extraction technology, the Document Analyser, is easy to use and allows swift extraction of key information from large documents. It was developed inhouse by our machine language experts and is fully secure, like all our other financial document processing technologies. The use cases include compliance and due diligence queries, calls for tender and fund and research queries.

The Document Analyser is easy to use. You simply upload your document and begin to type in your questions. It is available in a multilingual format, which means that you can load the document in one language and ask questions in a different language.

Do not hesitate to try it! You can sign up for a 14 day test access which allows you to try our AI translation services and the Document Analyser.

Lingua Custodia proves conclusively that it is possible to develop cutting edge generative AI tools without a 10M€+ investment!

The French Fintech company Lingua Custodia, a specialist in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applied to Finance since 2011, releases its new Document Analyser, a generative AI tool allowing its 10,000+ financial users to easily and securely answer due diligence questionnaires and find information in large volumes of documentation.

With one click and the input of questions, the users of Verto, Lingua Custodia’s secure document processing platform, can now retrieve information in multiple languages from vast amounts of data. The aim of the document analyser is to meet the business case for speed and accuracy in responding to regulatory, client and investment queries.

The Lingua Custodia team of research scientists and engineers had been working on the product design for the Document Analyser tool for over a year to propose this secure solution hosted in the EU on secure and segregated GPU servers.

Olivier Debeugny CEO of Lingua Custodia declared : “Generative AI tools are hot topics at the moment for funding rounds, I however firmly believe that innovative document processing technologies can be produced without large investment, provided you have a lot of data, experience and a skilled team! Lingua Custodia has been at the forefront of language technologies since its creation in 2011 and we believe the Document Analyser will empower our clients, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing their decision-making processes.”

The Document Analyser is available on Lingua Custodia’s financial document processing secure platform, together with its translation, transcription and other data extraction AI tools.

IA Frugale : Sans lever des millions d’euros, Lingua Custodia met à disposition de ses clients un nouvel outil d’IA générative

Sans lever des millions, Lingua Custodia met à la disposition des professionnels de la finance un nouvel outil d’IA générative répondant à des cas d’usage précis

Lingua Custodia, la fintech spécialisée dans les technologies du langage depuis 2011, a mis en ligne sur sa plateforme Verto accessible par plus de 10 000 professionnels de la finance, un nouvel outil permettant d’interroger des documents confidentiels multilingues.

C’est en analysant les besoins de ses clients, en utilisant sa longue expertise en technologie du langage et ses corpus linguistiques développés depuis plus de dix ans que l’équipe d’experts de Lingua Custodia sort aujourd’hui sur le marché un nouvel outil d’analyse de documents sécurisé et multilingue spécialisé pour le secteur financier.

Ce nouvel outil permet par exemple d’interroger des procédures internes pour répondre très rapidement à des questionnaires reçus de régulateurs ou clients, des situations très fréquentes dans les institutions financières.

Olivier Debeugny, Président de Lingua Custodia, déclare : « Je suis particulièrement fier de notre équipe qui illustre un autre angle de l’Intelligence Artificielle frugale. Avec des bases de données de grande qualité constituées sur plusieurs années, notre équipe de chercheurs très expérimentés travaillant main dans la main avec des universités et laboratoires de recherche, et une compréhension des besoins de nos clients, nous avons su mettre en ligne, sans devoir faire appel à des financements massifs, un nouvel outil à la pointe de l’état de l’art apportant une réelle valeur ajoutée à nos clients. »

L’analyseur de document est disponible sur Verto, la plateforme de traitement documentaire sécurisée de Lingua Custodia et vient s’ajouter aux outils de traduction automatique, de transcription et autres outils d’extraction de données.

A propos de Lingua Custodia

Lingua Custodia est une Fintech leader du Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) pour la Finance basée en France et au Luxembourg. Elle a développé son expertise avec une offre pointue de traduction automatique spécialisée par type de document financier. La société propose aujourd’hui également des services de transcription automatique, des services d’analyse linguistique de documents et des services d’extraction de données via sa plateforme en ligne ou par API. Ses clients sont des institutions financières et les départements financiers de grandes sociétés et ETI.

Contact Presse
Charlotte BAIN , CAO : / +33 1 83 43 95 25